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咸阳新视界广告装饰有限公司是一家专注于设计、文化建设及环境导视系统三大领域的广告公司,由一家传统广告公司起步至今,经历十八年的成长磨 砺,从起初的广告设计、加工制作、安装公司,发展成为一家综合性的广告公司。 

公司多年来一直坚持以人为本、诚信经营的原则。在企业形象策划、标志 &VI设计、画册设计与制作、产品包装设计、展览展厅设计与制作、户外广告设计
与制作等多方面具有辉煌的业绩,并且与商业、地产、餐饮、银行、公安、消防、 医院等企事业单位建立了长期合作的关系,积累了丰富的市场实战经验,赢得客户的支持与好评。 公司秉承以市场为先导的理念,倡导“策略化设计”。为企业量身定制规划战略,在CIS体系、产品定位及新品策略、终端形象、体系等方面拥有实力。我们员工将一如既往为新老客户提供专业的方位服务。 陕西你的沃的广告装饰有限公司服务项目包含三部分:

Xianyang Xinshijie Advertising Decoration Co., Ltd. is a focus on brand design, cultural construction and environmental guidance system three major areas of advertising companies. Xianyang new horizon advertising decoration co., LTD., xianyang new horizon advertising decoration co., LTD., founded in 2003, from a 
traditional advertising company started up to now, through 18 years of growth, from the original advertising design, processing and production, installation company, developed into a comprehensive advertising company.
      The company has been adhering to the principle of people-oriented and honest management for many years. In corporate image planning, logo & VI design, pictorial design and production, product packaging design, exhibition hall design and production, outdoor advertising design and production aspects of a brilliant 
performance, and with the business, real estate, restaurants, Banks, public security, fire control, hospitals and other institutions and enterprises established long-term relations of cooperation, accumulated the rich market experience, won the general customers the support and praise.
      The company adheres to the concept of taking the market as the guide and advocates "strategic design". Customized brand system planning strategy for enterprises, in the CIS system, product positioning and new product strategy, terminal image, system and other aspects of professional strength. Our staff will continue to provide the most professional and all-round services for new and old customers.
      Shaanxi you wo advertising decoration co., LTD. Service project consists of three parts:
     A、brand design services include: logo design, VI design, album design, packaging design, etc.
     B、Cultural construction includes the planning/design/manufacturing/construction/maintenance of party and government cultural construction, enterprise cultural construction, campus cultural construction, and beautiful rural construction, as well as integrated operation;
     C、environmental guidance system includes professional comprehensive guidance sign design company, professional environmental guidance design service team, standard and efficient service process, including building guidance, scenic spot guidance design, public service system guidance design, hospital logo design, etc.

专业成就行业品质 诚信创造社会快乐

Professional achievement, industry quality, integrity, social happiness